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НаписалDaria Move22 июня 2010

В своем предыдущем посте я рассказывала о замечательных индийских людях, запаковывающих в этот момент свои чемоданы и с нетерпением ожидающих их предстоящий трип в Москву.

Пока индусам некогда, мне удалось выспросить остальных наших интернов как они подготовились к поездке и какое представление о России у них сложилось.

Итак, Utku, Turkey:

Friends worldwide. Изображение № 1.

if you take a map, and point randomly with a finger, you will most probably find Russia, the country with endless land. These huge territory is almost impossible to be captured which is proven by the history. If you are from Turkey and you take a history lesson(even in primary school), you will certainly know something about Russia.

I know that there are norms that Russia is related to for many of us. They are really cliche. Vodka, very cold country, endless forests and lakes, chess master Kasparov, TATU, tall-white and beautiful girls, Andrey Arshavin etc. :) But I know that there are much more things to discover! I hope that we will gain more deep insight about the Russian culture especially unknown or undiscovered parts.

Katalin, Hungary:

Friends worldwide. Изображение № 2.
I totally agree with Utku:)

But there is Puskin, Bulgakov from literature,
Natalja Goncharova, Chagall, Kandinsky from the artists :)
Kalinka dance
the russian ballet
MOJSEJEV( the r super:) )
Russian roulette:)
Dima Bilan:)

Ritesh, Nepal:

Friends worldwide. Изображение № 3.
You're all forgetting something very important that russia has given this world...VODKA!! :))) well thats the 1st thing that comes to my mind when i think of Russia. And then SNOW!!

The only country extending in two continents, EURASIA!

Mikhail GORBACHEV introduced glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring) to modernise communism!

Mahmoud, Egypt:

Friends worldwide. Изображение № 4.
Okk, i think u guys have said almost everything about the picture i drew for Russia!!

well, yeah i am excited to see the biggest territory in the world, i want to see what the russian ancestors did with regards to art & architecture, i really want to know how Pagan believers used to live in the wooden areas in & around Russia!!

Classical music & russian Ballerinas cant be forgotten as well!!

Kalinka dance, Russian roulette & The estimation card game ( that i want to make sure its russian :-) )

last but not least, of course the well reputated Russian Vodka & the unbearable cold weather :-)!!

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